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Looking for a great caption to this picture:
The funniest caption posted to our facebook site by 1/4/13 will win a free fantasy football tee shirt!
The Lil’ Vince Fantasy Football Trophy has just been posted and is now available for sale. You can click this link: http://fantasysportstrophies.com/Fantasy%20Football%20Trophies/LilVincePerenial.html to see the product page.
Lil’ Vince Perenial Fantasy Football Trophy
Lil’ Vince Perennial Fantasy Football Trophy is approximately 13-inches tall, this striking fantasy football trophy stands on a perennial box-style, cherry wood base. This is the perfect perennial Fantasy Football Trophy.
Made from durable gypsom stone
We’ve had a lot of demand for additional perpetual fantasy football trophies. We recently added a Perpetual Big Vince Trophy and are happy to announce that we will soon introduce a Perpetual Lil’ Vince.
Perpetual Fantasy Football Trophy
The price will be in the $55 range and be a Lil’ Vince Fantasy Football Trophy on top of a six-inch, box-style wood base with the ability to carry upto 24 yearly champions.